Contributions certificates

  Name Affiliation Country Contribution title Type
PDF Agudelo-Muñetón, Natalia Universidad de Antioquia - Medellín Colombia Cotas para la energía de Nikiforov sobre digrafos Talk
PDF Aguiar, Marcelo Cornell University USA Hopf-Lie theory on hyperplane arrangements Talk
PDF Aguiar, Marcelo Cornell University United States Integral hyperplane arrangements Talk
PDF Alahmadi, Adel King Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia On finite generation and presentation of algebras Talk
PDF Alderete, Silvina Alejandra Universidade Federal da Bahia Salvador Abelian Group Codes Poster
PDF Aliste-Prieto, José Universidad Andres Bello Chile On trees with the same restriction of the chromatic symmetric function and solutions to the Prouhet-Tarry-Escott problem Talk
PDF Aljadeff, Eli Technion, Haifa Israel Graded algebras and polynomial identities Talk
PDF Almeida, Charles Aparecido University of Campinas Brazil Rank two Vector bundles with first cohomology module generated by two elements and applications Poster
PDF Alonso, Juan Universidad de la República Uruguay Groups of circle homeomorphisms with invariant laminations. Talk
PDF Alper, Jarod Australian National University Australia Title: Invariant theory of Milnor algebras Talk
PDF Alves, Carina São Paulo State Universtiy - UNESP - Rio Claro Brasil On the Densest Lattices from Number Fields and Division Algebras Poster
PDF Andruskiewitsch, Nicolás Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Argentina Nichols algebras of finite Gelfand-Kirillov dimension over abelian groups Talk
PDF Aparecido de Andrade, Antonio São Paulo State University at São José do Rio Preto Brasil New constructions of algebraic lattices Poster
PDF Arce Flores, Jack Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú-PUCP Perú Representation of Twisted Tensor Products Poster
PDF Argerami, Martin University of Regina Canada Invariants of Operator Systems Talk
PDF Assem, Ibrahim Université de Sherbrooke Québec, Canada Partial relation extensions Talk
PDF Badano, Mariana FaMAF-UNC Argentina An optimal axiomatization of the set of central elements Talk
PDF Barbosa, Elen Deise Universidade Federal da Bahia Brasil Semiclean Rings Poster
PDF Barrera Salazar, Daniel CRM, Montreal Canada Overconvergent Eichler-Shimura isomorphisms for Shimura curves Talk
PDF Barreto Castañeda , Jonny Fernando Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del I.P.N. México Propiedades de las $p$-extensiones elementales abelianas sobre $\mathbb{F}_{p^{r}}(T)$ Poster
PDF Barreto Castañeda , Jonny Fernando Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del I.P.N. México Primos de Wilson, Mersenne y Wieferich en el anillo $\mathbb{F}_{q}[T]$ Poster
PDF Batistelli, Karina CIEM- Famaf Argentina Lie subalgebras of the matrix quantum pseudo differential operators Talk
PDF Benitez Monsalve, Germán Instituto de Matemática e Estatística (IME) / Universidade de São Paulo (USP) Brazil Equidimensionality of some Gelfand-Tsetlin varieties Poster
PDF Bernal, Martha CONACyT - Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas Mexico The Birational Geometry of $\overline{M}_{0,6}$ Talk
PDF Bianchi, Angelo Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP Brazil Gröbner bases for local Weyl modules for generalized current $\mathfrak{sl}_2$-algebras Talk
PDF Botbol, Nicolás Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET Argentina Shapes of the simplest minimal free resolutions in $\mathbb P^1\times \mathbb P^1$ Talk
PDF Brum Ocaso, Joaquín Universidad de la República Urguay Flexibility of representations of $\pi_1(\Sigma)$ into the space of orentation preserving homeomorphisms or the line. Talk
PDF Burgos Gil, Jose Ignacio ICMAT (CSIC) Spain Arithmetic geometry of toric varieties Talk
PDF Buss, Alcides Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Brazil Groupoid fibrations and their C*-algebras Talk
PDF C. Cintra, Jacqueline UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Brazil The Normalizer Property and its Relation with Extensions of Groups Poster
PDF Campercholi, Miguel FAMAF-Córdoba Argentina Epic subalgebras and primitive functions Talk
PDF Carlson, Jon Frederick University of Georgia USA The relative stable category Talk
PDF Carneiro, Emanuel IMPA Brazil Bounding the argument of zeta on the Riemann hypothesis Talk
PDF Carrasco, Matias Universidad de la República Uruguay Large scale geometry of Heintze groups Talk
PDF Carvalho, Cicero Universidade Federal de Uberlandia Brasil On the second lowest Hamming weight of binary projetive Reed-Muller codes Talk
PDF Castilho de Mello, Thiago Universidade Federal de São Paulo Brasil Automorphisms of ideals of polynomial rings Talk
PDF Castilho de Mello, Thiago Universidade Federal de São Paulo Brasil Involution inverting gradings on matrix algebras Poster
PDF Conder, Marston University of Auckland Nueva Zelanda Connectedness of generating sets for finite groups Talk
PDF Cortiñas, Guillermo Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Nonarchimedean bornological algebras and their cyclic homology Talk
PDF Cuadra, Juan University of Almeria Spain On Hopf orders and Kaplansky's sixth conjecture Talk
PDF Cutkosky, Steven Dale University of Missouri USA Graded rings associated to valuations Talk
PDF Cutkosky, Steven Dale University of Missouri USA Applications of volume to commutative algebra Talk
PDF D'Andrea, Carlos Universitat de Barcelona Spain Resultants modulo p Talk
PDF de Wolff, Timo Texas A&M University USA Intersections of Amoebas Poster
PDF Dehornoy, Patrick Université de Caen France Multifraction reduction in Artin-Tits groups Talk
PDF Díaz Varela, J. Patricio Universidad Nacional del Sur-Bahía Blanca Argentina MV-álgebras monádicas y l-grupos monádicos Talk
PDF Dokuchaev, Mikhailo Universidade de São Paulo Brazil Partial actions and subshifts Talk
PDF dos Santos, Wilsmar Cerp del Litoral Uruguay Análisis del espectro de Grafos Jahangir Poster
PDF Dotsenko, Vladimir Trinity College Dublin Ireland Nonsymmetric operads, associative algebras, and the Lagrange inversion Talk
PDF Duarte Vogel, Diego Universidad de los Andes Colombia BV-algebra Structures and Hochschild (Co)homology Talk
PDF Elduque, Alberto Universidad de Zaragoza Spain Octonions in low characteristics Talk
PDF Ellis, Eugenia Universidad de la República Uruguay Isomorphism conjectures with proper coefficients Talk
PDF Farinati, Marco Uniersidad de Buenos Aires Argentina A d.g. Hopf algebra associated to a set theoretical solution of the Yang-Baxter equation and cohomology Talk
PDF Ferraro, Damián Universidad de la República Uruguay Globalizations of partial actions and Imprimitivity Theorems Talk
PDF Friedman, Eduardo Universidad de Chile Santiago Sharp lower bounds for regulators of small-degree number fields Talk
PDF Galindo, César Universidad de los Andes Colombia The five-term exact sequence for Kac cohomology Talk
PDF Gallegos-Ruiz, Homero CONACyT - Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas Mexico A Surface Coming from an Arithmetic Question Talk
PDF Garaev, Moubariz Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Mexico Sum-product estimates in finite fields Talk
PDF García, Gastón Andrés Universidad Nacional de La Plata Argentina Pointed and copointed Hopf algebras over dihedral groups Talk
PDF Giambruno, Antonio Università di Palermo Italy Polynomial identities, codimensions and a conjecture of Regev Talk
PDF Gonçalves, Daniel Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC Brasil Free path groupoid grading on Leavitt path algebras Talk
PDF Goncalves, Jairo Z. University of Sao Paulo Brazil Free groups in a normal subgroup of the field of fractions of a skew polynomial ring Talk
PDF Guarnieri, Leandro Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Braces, generalizations and applications to the Yang-Baxter equation Poster
PDF Guccione, Jorge Alberto Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Homología cíclica de productos cruzados débiles (Cyclic homology of weak crossed products) Talk
PDF Gutiérrez, Javier Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Argentina Quantum Subgroups of Simple Twisted Quantum Groups at Roots of One Poster
PDF Harris, Pamela E. Williams College United States A proof of the peak polynomial positivity conjecture Talk
PDF Haviar, Miroslav Matej Bel University Eslovaquia A new setting for duals of canonical extensions of lattices Talk
PDF Helfgott, Harald Georg-August Universitaet Goettingen/CNRS Alemania/Francia La criba de Eratóstenes en menos espacio Talk
PDF Herscovich, Estanislao Université Grenoble Alpes - Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET France - Argentina $A_{\infty}$-algebras in representation theory and homological algebra Talk
PDF Hillar, Christopher University of California, San Francisco USA Computational algebra for the working mathematician Talk
PDF Igusa, Kiyoshi Brandeis University USA Maximal Green Sequences Talk
PDF Itskov, Vladimir The Pennsylvania State University US Dowker complex, convex codes, and detecting hidden matrix factorizations. Talk
PDF Jeronimo, Gabriela Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET Argentina On computational aspects of the generalized differential Lüroth's theorem Talk
PDF Juschenko, Kate Northwestern University USA Subgroups of the interval exchange transformation group. Talk
PDF Kahrobaei, Delaram City University of New York: Graduate Center (CS), NYCCT (Math) USA Cryptosystems using subgroup distortion Talk
PDF Kochetov, Mikhail Memorial University of Newfoundland Canada On rigidity of Nichols algebras Talk
PDF Kohen, Daniel Universidad de Buenos Aires- IMAS Argentina Heegner point constructions Talk
PDF Krick, Teresa UBA & CONICET Argentina Computing the Homology of Real Projective Sets Talk
PDF Kumar, Shrawan University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill USA Representation ring of Levi subgroups versus cohomology ring of flag varieties Talk
PDF L. Tonucci, Edward UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Brazil Anticommutativity of Symmetric and Skew-symmetric Elements under Generalized Oriented Involutions Poster
PDF Lalín, Matilde Université de Montréal Canada The Mahler measure of elliptic curves Talk
PDF Lalín, Matilde Université de Montréal Canada The distribution of points on families of curves over finite fields Talk
PDF Lanzilotta, Marcelo Universidad de la República Uruguay Relative Igusa-Todorov functions Talk
PDF Lapointe, Luc Universidad de Talca Chile Pieri rules for the Macdonald polynomials in superspace and the 6-vertex model Talk
PDF Lebed, Victoria University of Nantes France On set-theoretic solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation Talk
PDF Leclerc, Bernard Université de Caen France Cluster algebras and quantum affine algebras Talk
PDF Lezama, Oswaldo Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia Colombia Non-commutative algebraic geometry of semi-graded rings Talk
PDF Liendo, Alvaro Universidad de Talca Chile The algebraic density property for affine toric varieties Talk
PDF Lima, Leandro Bezzerra de CPAq/UFMS - FEEC/UNICAMP Brasil Similarity between the algebraic structure associated with projective space and combinatorial design via Hasse diagram Poster
PDF Llodra Schat, Nicolás Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Argentina About sums of compositions of irreducible morphisms Talk
PDF Lopez Neumann, Victor Gonzalo Universidade Federal de Uberlândia Brasil Projective Nested Cartesian Codes Poster
PDF Madhusudan, Manjunath Queen Mary University of London United Kingdom Tropical Graph Curves Talk
PDF Makar-Limanov, Leonid Wayne State University USA On $D$ algebras. Talk
PDF Martin, María Eugenia Universidade de São Paulo Brazil Irreducible components of varieties of Jordan algebras Poster
PDF Martin del Campo, Abraham Conacyt - CIMAT Mexico Critical points via Monodromy and Numerical Algebraic Geometry Talk
PDF Martinez , Wilson Arley Universidad del Cauca Colombia Construction of $\text{Rota}^{m}\text{-Algebras}$ and $\text{Ballot}^{m}\text{-Algebras}$ from Associative Algebras with a Rota-Baxter morphism and a Rota-Baxter Operator of Weights Three and Two Poster
PDF Matera, Guillermo Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento and CONICET Argentina Estimates for polynomial systems defining irreducible smooth complete intersections Talk
PDF Matusevich, Laura Felicia Texas A&M University USA Bernstein--Sato polynomials for ideals in semigroup rings Talk
PDF Matusevich, Laura Felicia Texas A&M University USA Lopsided amoebas and effective amoeba approximation Talk
PDF Matusevich, Laura Felicia Texas A&M University USA Codimension two $A$-hypergeometric systems Talk
PDF Mazorchuk, Volodymyr Uppsala University Sweden 2-representations of Soergel bimodules Talk
PDF Melo Filho, Danielson Universidade Federal do Ceará Brazil Clean rings and clean group rings Poster
PDF Menares, Ricardo Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso Chile Equidistribución $p$-ádica de órbitas de Hecke y aplicaciones diofantinas Talk
PDF Montenegro, Samaria Universidad de los Andes/Universidad de Costa Rica Costa Rica Model theoretic properties of pseudo real closed fields. Talk
PDF Mostovoy, Jacob CINVESTAV-IPN Mexico Non-associative exponentials and the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula Talk
PDF Moura, Adriano University of Campinas Brazil On the Demazure Type Structure of Graded Limits of Representations of Quantum Affine Algebras Talk
PDF Moura, Lucia University of Ottawa Canada Finite Field Constructions of Combinatorial Arrays Talk
PDF Müller, Monique Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Argentina Examples of finite-dimensional Hopf algebras with the dual Chevalley property. Poster
PDF Navarro , Horacio IMAL Argentina A problem of Beelen, Garcia and Stichtenoth on an Artin-Schreier tower Talk
PDF Nekrashevych, Volodymyr Texas A&M University USA Simple groups of intermediate growth Talk
PDF O'Brien, Eamonn University of Auckland New Zealand Word maps on finite simple groups Talk
PDF Olarte Parra, Jorge Alberto Universidad de los Andes Colombia Rational Harnack Curves on Toric Surfaces Poster
PDF Olaya-León, Wilson Universidad Industrial de Santander Colombia The generalized Hamming weights of Castle codes Talk
PDF Orellana, Rosa Dartmouth College USA On the representation theory of the partition algebra Talk
PDF Ottaviani, Giorgio Università di Firenze Italy Waring decompositions of a general polynomial vector Talk
PDF Panario, Daniel Carleton University Canada Iterating Redei Functions over Finite Fields Talk
PDF Paques, Antonio Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Brazil Partial actions of Hopf algebras: how it all started Talk
PDF Pereira, Fernanda Aeronautics Institute of Technology Brazil Tensor products of minimal affinizations in type $A$ Talk
PDF Pérez Millán, Mercedes Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina The structure of MESSI biological systems Talk
PDF Petrogradsky, Victor University of Brasilia Brazil Lie algebras of slow growth Talk
PDF Pianzola, Arturo CAECE-Alberta Belavin-Drinfeld Lie bialgebras and quantum groups (Galois cohomology considerations) Talk
PDF Pinzon, Santiago Universidad de los Andes Colombia Límites inversos de estructuras compactas Poster
PDF Pizarro Madariaga, Amalia Universidad de Valparaíso Chile CM-points on straight lines Talk
PDF Plakhotnyk, Makar postdoctoral researcher (University of S\~ao Paulo) Brasil On the max-plus algebra of non-negative exponent matrices Poster
PDF Plaza, David Universidad de Talca Chile The blob algebra in positive characteristic and the $p$-Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials. Talk
PDF Podestá, Ricardo A. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Argentina Asymptotically good 4-quasi transitive AG-codes over prime fields Talk
PDF Polcino Milies, César Universidade de São Paulo Brazil Essencial idempotents in group algebras and coding theory Talk
PDF Privitelli, Melina Instituto de Ciencias, UNGS Argentina Estimates on the average cardinality of the value set of general families of univariate polynomials over a finite field Talk
PDF Quintero Vanegas, Elkin IME - USP Brasil Commutative power-associative nilalgebras and Albert's problem Poster
PDF Raicu, Claudiu University of Notre Dame USA The syzygies of some thickenings of determinantal varieties Talk
PDF Reca, Sebastián Gustavo Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Hochshild homology and cohomology of super Jordan plane Poster
PDF Rittatore, Alvaro CMAT-Udelar Uruguay Tannaka duality for algebraic groups Talk
PDF Rivas, Cristobal Universidad de Santiago de Chile Chile Circular orderings on the free group Talk
PDF Rodriguez, Jose University of Chicago USA Numerically computing Galois groups Talk
PDF Rodríguez, Ma. Eugenia Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina On the simplicity and $K$-theory of the $L^p$ operator algebras $\mathcal O^p(Q)$ Talk
PDF Rodriguez, Ricardo Oscar Departamento de Computación. FCEyN. Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Fuzzy Neighborhood Semantics Talk
PDF Rowen, Louis Bar-Ilan University Israel Tropical Hopf algebras and weak Hopf algebras Talk
PDF Rowen, Louis Bar-Ilan University Israel Algebras with a negation map Talk
PDF Sagan, Bruce Michigan State University USA Of antipodes and involutions Talk
PDF Salerno, Adriana Bates College USA Arithmetic Mirror Symmetry of K3 Surfaces and Hypergeometric Functions. Talk
PDF Salgado, Cecília UFRJ Brazil Elliptic fibrations and K3 surfaces Talk
PDF San Martín, Hernán J. CONICET y Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNLP. Argentima On hemi-implicative semilattices Talk
PDF Schaffhauser, Florent Universidad de los Andes Colombia Mod 2 cohomology rings of moduli stacks of Real vector bundles Talk
PDF Schwarz, João USP Brazil Structure and Representations of Diferenttial Operators on the Torus Poster
PDF Scott, Leonard The University of Virginia USA cohomology of finite, algebraic, and quantum groups Talk
PDF Sentinelli, Paolo Universidad de Chile Chile The generalized lifting property of Bruhat intervals Talk
PDF Shestakov, Ivan University of São Paulo Brazil Identities of finitely generated alternative and Malcev algebras Talk
PDF Shiu, Anne Texas A&M University USA Algebraic signatures of convex and non-convex neural codes Talk
PDF Simis, Aron Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Brazil Ideals of fat points: subhomaloidal types and symbolic powers Talk
PDF Sirolli, Nicolás Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Waldspurger formulas for Hilbert modular forms Talk
PDF Smoktunowicz, Agata University of Edinburgh United Kingdom On new applications of noncommutative rings Talk
PDF Solotar, Andrea Universidad de Buenos Aires- IMAS-Conicet Argentina Hochschild homology and cohomology of down-up algebras Talk
PDF Srinivasan, Hema University of Missouri USA On Unimodality of Hilbert Function Graded Algebras Talk
PDF Starchenko, Sergei University of Notre Dame USA Tame topology and Complex Analytic Geometry Talk
PDF Storme, Leo Ghent University Belgium Galois geometries and Random network coding Talk
PDF Sturmfels, Bernd UC Berkeley USA Tensors and their Eigenvectors Talk
PDF Sturmfels, Bernd UC Berkeley USA Nearest Points on Toric Varieties Talk
PDF Suárez-Álvarez, Mariano Universidad de Buenos Aires — CONICET Argentina A little bit of extra functoriality for Ext and the computation of the Gerstenhaber bracket Talk
PDF Sviridova, Irina University of Brasilia Brazil Color involutions of primitive graded rings. Talk
PDF Thom, Andreas TU Dresden Germany Topological methods to solve equations over groups Talk
PDF Tizziotti, Guilherme Universidade Federal de Uberlandia Brasil Weierstrass semigroup and Automorphism group of the curves $X_{n,r}$ Talk
PDF Todorov, Gordana Northeastern University United States Cluster Theory Talk
PDF Tornaría, Gonzalo Universidad de la República Uruguay On the paramodular conjecture Talk
PDF Torres, Fernando IMECC/UNICAMP Brasil Castle curves and codes Talk
PDF Trepode, Sonia Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Argentina Split $t$-structures and torsion pairs in hereditary categories Talk
PDF Urzúa, Giancarlo Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Chile How to identify Milnor fibers of smoothings of quotient sigularities Talk
PDF Valencia Oleta, Carlos Mathematics department, Cinvestav-IPN México Counting arithmetical structures of a graph and their sandpile groups. Talk
PDF Valencia Oleta, Carlos E. Mathematics department, Cinvestav-IPN México Arithmetical structures of graphs. Talk
PDF Vega, Maria D. United States Military Academy United States Hopf automorphisms and twisted extensions Poster
PDF Velasco, Mauricio Universidad de la República (CURE) y Universidad de los Andes Uruguay / Colombia Sums of squares and the geometry of syzygies Talk
PDF Vendramin, Leandro Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina The classification of Nichols algebras Talk
PDF Villamizar, Nelly RICAM- Austrian Academy of Sciences Austria Varieties of apolar subschemes of toric surfaces Talk
PDF Volkov, Yury Universidade de Sao Paulo Brazil Gerstenhaber bracket via arbitrary resolution Talk
PDF Walton, Chelsea Temple University United States Universal quantum groups associated to a pair of preregular forms Talk
PDF Werner, Wend Münster University Germany K-groups in the theory of symmetric spaces Talk
PDF Yakimov, Milen Louisiana State University USA Noncommutative discriminants via Poisson primes Talk
PDF Youngs, Nora Harvey Mudd College USA Toric ideals of neural codes Talk
PDF Zabrocki, Mike York University Canada Irreducible characters of the symmetric group as symmetric functions Talk
PDF Zaidan, André Eduardo IME - USP Brazil Chiral De Rham Complex Structure for Witt algebras Poster
PDF Zelmanov, Efim University of California USA Finitely presented Lie and Jordan algebras Talk