
Pabellón I, Ciudad Universitaria
Buenos Aires, Argentina

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July 25, Monday July 26, Tuesday July 27, Wednesday July 28, Thursday July 29, Friday


July 25, Monday

Morning - Aula Magna

From 8:30Registration
9:45 ~ 10:00Opening Ceremony
10:00 ~ 10:50Cluster Theory
Gordana Todorov
Chair: María Julia Redondo
11:00 ~ 11:30Coffee Break & Poster Session
11:30 ~ 12:20Hopf-Lie theory on hyperplane arrangements
Marcelo Aguiar
Chair: Rosa Orellana


S02  Room 5
Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
S03  Room 2
Hopf Algebras
S04  Room 12
Operator Algebras
S06  Room 3
Algebraic Combinatorics
S09  Room 7
Logic and Universal Algebra
S11  Room 4
Representations of Algebras
S13  Room 6
Number Theory
15:00 Ideals of fat points: subhomaloidal types and symbolic powers
A. Simis
15:00 ~ 15:30
Nichols algebras of finite Gelfand-Kirillov dimension over abelian groups
N. Andruskiewitsch
15:00 ~ 15:50
Invariants of Operator Systems
M. Argerami
15:00 ~ 15:50
Of antipodes and involutions
B. Sagan
15:00 ~ 15:25
Monadic Gödel algebras are functional
X. Caicedo
15:00 ~ 15:50
Partial relation extensions
I. Assem
15:00 ~ 15:50
Sharp lower bounds for regulators of small-degree number fields
E. Friedman
15:00 ~ 15:40
Tannaka duality for algebraic groups
A. Rittatore
15:40 ~ 16:10
Waldspurger formulas for Hilbert modular forms
N. Sirolli
15:50 ~ 16:20
16:00 The classification of Nichols algebras
L. Vendramin
16:00 ~ 16:25
Free path groupoid grading on Leavitt path algebras
D. Gonçalves
16:00 ~ 16:50
Counting arithmetical structures of a graph and their sandpile groups.
C. Valencia Oleta
16:00 ~ 16:25
Model theoretic properties of pseudo real closed fields.
S. Montenegro
16:00 ~ 16:25
Split $t$-structures and torsion pairs in hereditary categories
S. Trepode
16:00 ~ 16:50
A Surface Coming from an Arithmetic Question
H. Gallegos-Ruiz
16:20 ~ 16:50
The Mahler measure of elliptic curves
M. Lalín
16:25 ~ 16:55
16:30 On rigidity of Nichols algebras
M. Kochetov
16:30 ~ 16:55
Cotas para la energía de Nikiforov sobre digrafos
N. Agudelo-Muñetón
16:30 ~ 16:55
A new setting for duals of canonical extensions of lattices
M. Haviar
16:30 ~ 16:55
17:00 Coffe break & Poster session
17:00 ~ 17:30
17:30 Algebras with a negation map
L. Rowen
17:30 ~ 18:00
Partial actions of Hopf algebras: how it all started
A. Paques
17:30 ~ 17:55
Globalizations of partial actions and Imprimitivity Theorems
D. Ferraro
17:30 ~ 18:10
Lopsided amoebas and effective amoeba approximation
L. Matusevich
17:30 ~ 17:55
MV-álgebras separables.
M. Menni
17:30 ~ 18:20
On the representation theory of the partition algebra
R. Orellana
17:30 ~ 18:10
Heegner point constructions
D. Kohen
17:30 ~ 18:00
18:00 The five-term exact sequence for Kac cohomology
C. Galindo
18:00 ~ 18:25
The Dehn--Sommerville Relations and the Catalan matroid
N. Yamzon
18:00 ~ 18:25
Overconvergent Eichler-Shimura isomorphisms for Shimura curves
D. Barrera Salazar
18:05 ~ 18:35
How to identify Milnor fibers of smoothings of quotient sigularities
G. Urzúa
18:10 ~ 18:40
On the simplicity and $K$-theory of the $L^p$ operator algebras $\mathcal O^p(Q)$
M. Rodríguez
18:15 ~ 18:55
Gerstenhaber bracket via arbitrary resolution
Y. Volkov
18:15 ~ 18:55
18:30 A d.g. Hopf algebra associated to a set theoretical solution of the Yang-Baxter equation and cohomology
M. Farinati
18:30 ~ 18:55
Fuzzy Neighborhood Semantics
R. Rodriguez
18:30 ~ 18:55
Shapes of the simplest minimal free resolutions in $\mathbb P^1\times \mathbb P^1$
N. Botbol
18:50 ~ 19:20


July 26, Tuesday

Morning - Aula Magna

From 8:30Registration
9:00 ~ 9:50Elliptic fibrations and K3 surfaces
Cecília Salgado
Chair: Eduardo Esteves
10:00 ~ 10:30Coffee Break & Poster Session
10:30 ~ 11:20Topological methods to solve equations over groups
Andreas Thom
Chair: Severino Toscano Melo
11:30 ~ 12:20Tame topology and Complex Analytic Geometry
Sergei Starchenko
Chair: Alf Onshuus


S02  Room 5
Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
S03  Room 2
Hopf Algebras
S04  Room 12
Operator Algebras
S06  Room 3
Algebraic Combinatorics
S09  Room 7
Logic and Universal Algebra
S11  Room 4
Representations of Algebras
S13  Room 6
Number Theory
15:00 Graded rings associated to valuations
S. Cutkosky
15:00 ~ 15:30
On Hopf orders and Kaplansky's sixth conjecture
J. Cuadra
15:00 ~ 15:50
Nonarchimedean bornological algebras and their cyclic homology
G. Cortiñas
15:00 ~ 15:50
Integral hyperplane arrangements
M. Aguiar
15:00 ~ 15:25
MV-álgebras monádicas y l-grupos monádicos
J. Díaz Varela
15:00 ~ 15:50
Maximal Green Sequences
K. Igusa
15:00 ~ 15:50
La criba de Eratóstenes en menos espacio
H. Helfgott
15:00 ~ 15:40
15:30 The generalized lifting property of Bruhat intervals
P. Sentinelli
15:30 ~ 15:55
The Birational Geometry of $\overline{M}_{0,6}$
M. Bernal
15:40 ~ 16:10
Bounding the argument of zeta on the Riemann hypothesis
E. Carneiro
15:50 ~ 16:20
16:00 Universal quantum groups associated to a pair of preregular forms
C. Walton
16:00 ~ 16:25
Groupoid fibrations and their C*-algebras
A. Buss
16:00 ~ 16:50
A proof of the peak polynomial positivity conjecture
P. Harris
16:00 ~ 16:25
On hemi-implicative semilattices
H. San Martín
16:00 ~ 16:25
A little bit of extra functoriality for Ext and the computation of the Gerstenhaber bracket
M. Suárez-Álvarez
16:00 ~ 16:50
Bernstein--Sato polynomials for ideals in semigroup rings
L. Matusevich
16:20 ~ 16:50
Equidistribución $p$-ádica de órbitas de Hecke y aplicaciones diofantinas
R. Menares
16:25 ~ 16:55
16:30 Noncommutative discriminants via Poisson primes
M. Yakimov
16:30 ~ 16:55
On trees with the same restriction of the chromatic symmetric function and solutions to the Prouhet-Tarry-Escott problem
J. Aliste-Prieto
16:30 ~ 16:55
Epic subalgebras and primitive functions
M. Campercholi
16:30 ~ 16:55
17:00 Coffe break & Poster session
17:00 ~ 17:30
17:30 Mod 2 cohomology rings of moduli stacks of Real vector bundles
F. Schaffhauser
17:30 ~ 18:00
Non-associative exponentials and the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula
J. Mostovoy
17:30 ~ 17:55
Pieri rules for the Macdonald polynomials in superspace and the 6-vertex model
L. Lapointe
17:30 ~ 17:55
Stonean residuated lattices
R. Cignoli
17:30 ~ 18:20
The blob algebra in positive characteristic and the $p$-Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials.
D. Plaza
17:30 ~ 17:50
CM-points on straight lines
A. Pizarro Madariaga
17:30 ~ 18:00
18:00 Pointed and copointed Hopf algebras over dihedral groups
G. García
18:00 ~ 18:25
Irreducible characters of the symmetric group as symmetric functions
M. Zabrocki
18:00 ~ 18:25
About sums of compositions of irreducible morphisms
N. Llodra Schat
18:00 ~ 18:20
The algebraic density property for affine toric varieties
A. Liendo
18:10 ~ 18:40
On the paramodular conjecture
G. Tornaría
18:10 ~ 18:40
18:30 Tropical Hopf algebras and weak Hopf algebras
L. Rowen
18:30 ~ 18:55
An optimal axiomatization of the set of central elements
M. Badano
18:30 ~ 18:55


July 27, Wednesday

Morning - Aula Magna

From 9:30Registration
10:00 ~ 10:50On new applications of noncommutative rings
Agata Smoktunowicz
Chair: Efim Zelmanov
11:00 ~ 11:30Coffee Break
11:30 ~ 12:20Arithmetic geometry of toric varieties
Jose Ignacio Burgos Gil
Chair: Roberto Miatello


July 28, Thursday

Morning - Aula Magna

From 8:15Registration
9:00 ~ 9:50Subgroups of the interval exchange transformation group.
Kate Juschenko
Chair: Andres Navas
10:00 ~ 10:30Coffee Break & Poster Session
10:30 ~ 11:20$A_{\infty}$-algebras in representation theory and homological algebra
Estanislao Herscovich
Chair: Paul Bressler
11:30 ~ 12:20Cluster algebras and quantum affine algebras
Bernard Leclerc
Chair: Viacheslav Futorny


S01  Room 4
Computational Algebra and Applications of Algebra
S05  Room 2
Rings and Algebras
S07  Room 3
Finite Fields
S08  Room 6
Lie Groups and Representations
S10  Room 7
Homological Methods
S12  Room 5
Group Theory
15:00 Waring decompositions of a general polynomial vector
G. Ottaviani
15:00 ~ 15:25
Octonions in low characteristics
A. Elduque
15:00 ~ 15:45
Castle curves and codes
F. Torres
15:00 ~ 15:25
2-representations of Soergel bimodules
V. Mazorchuk
15:00 ~ 15:40
Nearest Points on Toric Varieties
B. Sturmfels
15:00 ~ 15:30
The relative stable category
J. Carlson
15:00 ~ 15:25
15:30 Varieties of apolar subschemes of toric surfaces
N. Villamizar
15:30 ~ 15:55
The generalized Hamming weights of Castle codes
W. Olaya-León
15:30 ~ 15:55
Codimension two $A$-hypergeometric systems
L. Matusevich
15:30 ~ 16:00
Groups of circle homeomorphisms with invariant laminations.
J. Alonso
15:30 ~ 15:55
Representation ring of Levi subgroups versus cohomology ring of flag varieties
S. Kumar
15:40 ~ 16:20
Polynomial identities, codimensions and a conjecture of Regev
A. Giambruno
15:45 ~ 16:10
16:00 Resultants modulo p
C. D'Andrea
16:00 ~ 16:25
On the second lowest Hamming weight of binary projetive Reed-Muller codes
C. Carvalho
16:00 ~ 16:25
On Unimodality of Hilbert Function Graded Algebras
H. Srinivasan
16:00 ~ 16:30
Simple groups of intermediate growth
V. Nekrashevych
16:00 ~ 16:25
Essencial idempotents in group algebras and coding theory
C. Polcino Milies
16:10 ~ 16:35
On the Demazure Type Structure of Graded Limits of Representations of Quantum Affine Algebras
A. Moura
16:20 ~ 17:00
16:30 Sums of squares and the geometry of syzygies
M. Velasco
16:30 ~ 16:55
Some remarks on the asymptotic behavior of cyclic AG-codes
M. Chara
16:30 ~ 16:55
The syzygies of some thickenings of determinantal varieties
C. Raicu
16:30 ~ 17:00
Large scale geometry of Heintze groups
M. Carrasco
16:30 ~ 16:55
Free groups in a normal subgroup of the field of fractions of a skew polynomial ring
J. Goncalves
16:35 ~ 17:00
17:00 Coffe break & Poster session
17:00 ~ 17:30
17:30 Computing the Homology of Real Projective Sets
T. Krick
17:30 ~ 17:55
Non-commutative algebraic geometry of semi-graded rings
O. Lezama
17:30 ~ 17:55
Estimates for polynomial systems defining irreducible smooth complete intersections
G. Matera
17:30 ~ 17:55
Positivity of parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials
N. Libedinsky
17:30 ~ 18:10
Title: Invariant theory of Milnor algebras
J. Alper
17:30 ~ 18:00
Word maps on finite simple groups
E. O'Brien
17:30 ~ 18:20
18:00 Critical points via Monodromy and Numerical Algebraic Geometry
A. Martin del Campo
18:00 ~ 18:25
On finite generation and presentation of algebras
A. Alahmadi
18:00 ~ 18:25
The distribution of points on families of curves over finite fields
M. Lalín
18:00 ~ 18:25
Relative Igusa-Todorov functions
M. Lanzilotta
18:00 ~ 18:30
Tensor products of minimal affinizations in type $A$
F. Pereira
18:10 ~ 18:30
18:30 Numerically computing Galois groups
J. Rodriguez
18:30 ~ 18:55
Automorphisms of ideals of polynomial rings
T. Castilho de Mello
18:30 ~ 18:55
Finite Field Constructions of Combinatorial Arrays
L. Moura
18:30 ~ 18:55
K-groups in the theory of symmetric spaces
W. Werner
18:30 ~ 18:50
Applications of volume to commutative algebra
S. Cutkosky
18:30 ~ 19:00
Flexibility of representations of $\pi_1(\Sigma)$ into the space of orentation preserving homeomorphisms or the line.
J. Brum Ocaso
18:30 ~ 18:55
19:00 Computational algebra for the working mathematician
C. Hillar
19:00 ~ 19:25


July 29, Friday

Morning - Aula Magna

From 9:30Registration
10:00 ~ 10:50Sum-product estimates in finite fields
Moubariz Garaev
Chair: Fernando Torres
11:00 ~ 11:30Coffee Break & Poster Session
11:30 ~ 12:20Tensors and their Eigenvectors
Bernd Sturmfels
Chair: Alicia Dickenstein


S01  Room 4
Computational Algebra and Applications of Algebra
S05  Room 9
Rings and Algebras
S07  Room 3
Finite Fields
S08  Room 6
Lie Groups and Representations
S10  Room 7
Homological Methods
S12  Room 5
Group Theory
15:00 Dowker complex, convex codes, and detecting hidden matrix factorizations.
V. Itskov
15:00 ~ 15:25
Finitely presented Lie and Jordan algebras
E. Zelmanov
15:00 ~ 15:45
Galois geometries and Random network coding
L. Storme
15:00 ~ 15:25
Belavin-Drinfeld Lie bialgebras and quantum groups (Galois cohomology considerations)
A. Pianzola
15:00 ~ 15:40
Nonsymmetric operads, associative algebras, and the Lagrange inversion
V. Dotsenko
15:00 ~ 15:30
Towards algebraic Nielsen-Thurston classification for braids
M. Calvez
15:00 ~ 15:25
15:30 Toric ideals of neural codes
N. Youngs
15:30 ~ 15:55
Weierstrass semigroup and Automorphism group of the curves $X_{n,r}$
G. Tizziotti
15:30 ~ 15:55
Hochschild homology and cohomology of down-up algebras
A. Solotar
15:30 ~ 16:00
Circular orderings on the free group
C. Rivas
15:30 ~ 15:55
cohomology of finite, algebraic, and quantum groups
L. Scott
15:40 ~ 16:20
Graded algebras and polynomial identities
E. Aljadeff
15:45 ~ 16:10
16:00 Algebraic signatures of convex and non-convex neural codes
A. Shiu
16:00 ~ 16:25
Asymptotically good 4-quasi transitive AG-codes over prime fields
R. Podestá
16:00 ~ 16:25
Homología cíclica de productos cruzados débiles (Cyclic homology of weak crossed products)
J. Guccione
16:00 ~ 16:30
On set-theoretic solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation
V. Lebed
16:00 ~ 16:25
Color involutions of primitive graded rings.
I. Sviridova
16:10 ~ 16:35
16:30 The structure of MESSI biological systems
M. Pérez Millán
16:30 ~ 16:55
A problem of Beelen, Garcia and Stichtenoth on an Artin-Schreier tower
H. Navarro
16:30 ~ 16:55
Isomorphism conjectures with proper coefficients
E. Ellis
16:30 ~ 17:00
Cryptosystems using subgroup distortion
D. Kahrobaei
16:30 ~ 16:55
Lie algebras of slow growth
V. Petrogradsky
16:35 ~ 17:00
17:00 Coffe break & Poster session
17:00 ~ 17:30
17:30 On computational aspects of the generalized differential Lüroth's theorem
G. Jeronimo
17:30 ~ 17:55
On $D$ algebras.
L. Makar-Limanov
17:30 ~ 17:55
Arithmetic Mirror Symmetry of K3 Surfaces and Hypergeometric Functions.
A. Salerno
17:30 ~ 17:55
BV-algebra Structures and Hochschild (Co)homology
D. Duarte Vogel
17:30 ~ 18:00
Connectedness of generating sets for finite groups
M. Conder
17:30 ~ 18:20
18:00 Arithmetical structures of graphs.
C. Valencia Oleta
18:00 ~ 18:25
Partial actions and subshifts
M. Dokuchaev
18:00 ~ 18:25
Estimates on the average cardinality of the value set of general families of univariate polynomials over a finite field
M. Privitelli
18:00 ~ 18:25
Gröbner bases for local Weyl modules for generalized current $\mathfrak{sl}_2$-algebras
A. Bianchi
18:10 ~ 18:30
18:30 Tropical Graph Curves
M. Madhusudan
18:30 ~ 18:55
Identities of finitely generated alternative and Malcev algebras
I. Shestakov
18:30 ~ 18:55
Iterating Redei Functions over Finite Fields
D. Panario
18:30 ~ 18:55
Lie subalgebras of the matrix quantum pseudo differential operators
K. Batistelli
18:30 ~ 18:50
Multifraction reduction in Artin-Tits groups
P. Dehornoy
18:30 ~ 19:20